Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Myke Hawke

Myke Hawke ni adalah antara Survival Expert yang saya suka. Pengajaran dia tentang aktiviti survival, senang difaham dan mudah untuk diikuti. Anda boleh tgk video survival dia diblog En. Mustakim. Dia adalah antara survival expert jemputan untuk rancangan ' I Shouldn't Be Alive' disaluran Discovery Channel. Tapi tahukah anda, sebenarnya, pusat latihan survival yg paling terkenal di dunia terletak di Malaysia. Ianya terletak di Pusat Latihan Darat atau PULADA di Kem Tentera Tiram, Johor. Kebanyakkan tentera dari seluruh dunia, datang ke sana untuk latihan survival yg dilatih oleh kepakaran dari Malaysia. Impress? Memang, kepakarannya mmg datang dari Malaysia. Berikut adalah biodata dan kepakaran Myke Hawke untuk pengetahuan anda.

Myke Hawke is an experienced survival instructor in jungle, desert, arctic, sea, and urban environments. He is a published author with a bestselling language book and has a survival book due out in spring. Myke is also a motivational public speaker and a lecturer on crisis responses to manmade and natural disasters, including (WMD) Weapons of Mass Destruction. Hawke is the Director of and represents www.specops.com on-camera and in creative program development during media productions.

Hawke has over 20 years of combined military, civilian, and government experience. He has served as a senior enlisted member of the U.S. Army's Special Forces, and as a Commissioned Officer and Team Commander. He has been a U.S. Government Contractor and Country Project Manager abroad. Hawke has training and experience in telecommunications, intelligence operations, remote medical management, combat search and rescue, guerrilla warfare, counter terrorism, security tactics and languages. He has deployed to hotspots throughout Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, South America, South East Asia and Africa.

Hawke has worked with the U.S. Department of State, the United Nations, other government agencies (OGA’s) & non-governmental organizations (NGO’s). His accomplishments include the establishment and operation of a combat medic school in Azerbaijan and a combat search & rescue program in Colombia. He has also served as a Project Manager in Haiti and Sierra Leone, conducting medical evacuations, troops & munitions re-supply, quick reaction forces and VIP transport. He has developed and controlled the international education and adventure programs for SpecOps based in Costa Rica.

Hawke most recently served in Afghanistan as a Commander of Mujahideen Militia against Taliban and Al-Qaeda Forces and, among many other varied missions and operations, currently instructs and advises crisis response and stability operations to African U.N. Peacekeeping Forces. He is currently attached to the U.N. as a Special Forces Captain in a Major's billet with the U.S. Army Element for U.S. Forces Korea.

Specialized Training and Areas of Expertise includes, but is not limited to:

· Special Forces Detachment Commander course - 18A
· Combined Arms Service Staff School - (CAS3)
· Officer Advanced Course - Civil Affairs - 38A
· Officer Advanced Course- Infantry - 11A
· Medical Service Officer Course - 70B
· Anti-Terrorism & Force Protection Instructor (AT/FP Level II)
· Govt. Detention & Hostage Negotiation (PGD/HD SERE 245)
· Personnel Recovery (JPRA 102)
· Survival, Escape, Resistance & Evasion (SERE, Level - C)
· Special Operations Medical Sergeant Course (18D)
· Special Forces Morse Code & Communications Course (18E)
· Special Forces Intelligence and Operations Course (18F)
· Advanced Non Commissioned Officer Course (ANCOC)
· Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)
· National Registry EMT Paramedic
· Combat Anesthesia
· Advanced Cardiac Life Support
· Combat Chemical Casualty Care
· Special Forces Jump Master
· Defense Language Institute (Russian)
· Media advisor: security, medical, and tactical
· Translator
· Survival and Prepardedness Expert
· Peacekeeping Advisor to the U.N.
· Fitness Trainer
· Aikido Blackbelt & Instructor; multiple other martial arts
· Expert Marksman
· Scuba Diver

Languages: Advanced Russian and Spanish;
Intermediate French, Italian and Serbo-Croation; Basic Turkish, Thai,Arabic, others.

Education: B.S. Biology; M.S. Psychology,graduated Magna Cum Laude.


wegreentheearth said...

giler mamat nih...
tq kak coz mention nama saya dlm post nie..

yazilahyazir said...

salam mus..

gile mantap kan...
kita blaja sesama k

wegreentheearth said...

nanti blehla kita wat rancangan sendiri kan.. ahaks..